Citronella Scented Bouquet

A delicious, fresh and invigorating lemon scent is diffused in your home. Its unrivalled aromatic power is the quintessence of a home fragrance.

It has the lightness of an odorous bulrush, the romantic scents of lemongrass: the Citronella Home Fragrance shines with the joyful radiance of orange. Its floral bouquet reveals a glimpse of poetic romance with the lemon-scented accents of verbena from India.

    Height 21 cm
    Width 21 cm
    Length 6.5 cm
    Material Frosted glass
    Capacity 125 ml
    Reference 006249
    Diffusion time (+/-) 4 weeks
    Bouquet pre-filled with the Citronnella fragrance.
    Refillable with the 200ml refill for scented bouquet.
    Regularly turn your sticks to reactivate the scent.
    To adjust the olfactory intensity of your fragrance; adjust the number of sticks.
    Change your sticks each time you change the fragrance.

    With a citronella essential oil base, the Citronella Scented Bouquet naturally repels mosquitoes and insects for around four weeks. It is essential in the summer period. It is supplied pre-filled, so all you have to do is put it where you want and let it do its work. Its fresh and invigorating fragrance will delight your sense of smell. Verbena, citronella and eucalyptus embalm your interior with their aromatic scented trail.